Friday, June 26, 2015

Coffee by Helene Harrower (team leader)

Coffee is a very important commodity on the Freedom Tour. The team leaders require it for patience and understanding, then later on for the pure buzz of caffeine it can provide as the hours of lost sleep catch up in the late afternoon.

Coffee also becomes important too the kids but for very different reasons. It can be a status symbol, a jolt for tired eyes, a taste of something new, an experiment or experience.  Coffee offers a flavor to the word FREEDOM.

So where does this magic idea of coffee come from?  Day 1 it comes from Starbucks. First stop, in Kennebunk, the line for Starbucks is snaked around and nearly into the restrooms - which is convenient for some.  Not a cup of the piping hot, strong brewed Starbucks is purchased by anyone under the age of 15. They opt for coffee-like substances filled with sugar, whipped cream, flavors, and frozen.  All this provides a potentially hazardous situation on the bus with only one bathroom and no room to run.  Nevertheless we hear, "I have to have my coffee!!!"

Now for the leaders, on the other hand, coffee is a means of survival, or maybe a crutch, for some. We adults have a different understanding for coffee. Starbucks and Double Ds (as Mr. Greene refers to his brand of choice) are acceptable but really we will take anything black and strong that provides a renewable energy source.  The level of acceptance will lower as the trip goes along.  We will happily consume gas station coffee, single cup brewing in a two star hotel, and possible even turn to the art of reheating the one left on the night stand from the night before.

It is all relative when you HAVE TO HAVE YOUR COFFEE. Old friend, peace of mind, or new found freedom, either way it holds a special priority to all involved.

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