Friday, June 26, 2015

Apollo Theater by Phoebe

 While at Apollo theater, I - as well as many others - learned about how it benefited not only the stars but normal people. Billy Mitchell has an amazing story about how he became a part of Apollo Theater. He came from a very large poor family, and he needed to help support his family. One day the house was out of food and he needed to go get money from his Aunt who lived across from Apollo Theater. While there, Billy was asked why he was around and if he wanted to work to get money. Billy became a assistant and at the end of his first day he received $300. He was able to support his large family by getting groceries, buying new clothing and even paying the rent. This is an inspiring story that I think many people can learn from. We also learned about the history of who worked/performed there. Apollo Theater is a go-to destination. it was fantastic!

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